Domuschola International School

Parent Support Association (PSA)

Established in the SY 2018-2019, the Domuschola Parents Support Association’s mission is to promote friendly relations and understanding among the members of the Domuschola community. The PSA supports the school, its mission, vision and the parent community. The members of the PSA provide support by:
  • Organizing school events, whether academic related or extra curricular activities.
  • Sharing suggestions and ideas that would help improve the school and student life.
  • Helping strengthen the relationship and communication between home and school.
  • Raising funds, through various fundraising efforts, that would enhance school-wide programs or support different causes.

PSA Officers

Mrs. Anne Santos


Mrs. Triccie Varona
Executive Secretary


Mrs. Amy Madolora
Lower Primary Representative


Mrs. Jennie Raymond
Upper Primary Representative


Mrs. Joyce Baliuag
Secondary School Representative