Domuschola International School


Head of School

Domuschola International School

My Dear Domuschola Parents,

I am honored to be called to serve as your Head of School for SY 2023-2024. Since I joined DIS in June, I have witnessed the hard work and dedication of our faculty and staff, ensuring that we successfully start our first days of school. I thank them for their tireless efforts. I would like to also thank Ms. Bambi Fernandez De Castro for her years of service and hope for her continued success.

At Domuschola, we believe that parents play a vital role in the education process. It is the school’s mission to provide globally competitive education with parents as active partners. Only through a strong and healthy home-school collaboration is holistic education possible. This year, I would like to have as our goal, to regularly communicate with you as regards your child’s progress and performance, as well as assisting you in raising your child. That is what Domuschola is all about, a second home for your children with us as their second parents, in loco parentis. We will also participate more in external activities especially with our network of sister schools at Global Schools Foundation.

I am also proud to inform you that this school-year we have a completely solid curriculum, the Primary Years Programme of IB, the Cambridge Programme for Middle Years, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for our Grade 11 and 12. We will continue to train our faculty to become globally competitive educators because as the saying goes, a school is only as good as its teachers. Let me edit that. A school is only as good as its teachers and parents.

To our new parents and families, welcome to DIS! To the returning parents, thank you for your kind support.

See you on campus!