Domuschola International School


The safety of all students in the school is our primary focus. The School ensures a hazard-free environment thus the following policies are established:

A sufficient number of adults, to supervise every group of students whether in the classroom or on the playground, is provided.

Every classroom and the playground area are inspected regularly to eliminate, correct situations or repair any equipment that may cause injury to the students.

When a student is involved in an accident requiring medical intervention, a parent or a guardian will be notified promptly. If the parent is unable to come to the school, the School transports the student with a staff member to the nearest medical facility.

Accident-Incident Reports Whenever an accident occurs within the school premises and while the student is under the care of the teacher, an Accident Report (AR) or Incident Report (IR) is filled out.

Accident reports are made when visible marks are seen on the student’s body as a result of the accident (scratches, bruises, cuts, etc.) or the events led to a head injury, whether visible marks are evident or not.

Incident Reports are made when there is an infraction of the school policies which may or may not result in an injury to a student.

The details of the accident or the incident are reported in this form and parents are provided with a copy sent through e-mail. The Principal and homeroom teacher will review the incident and determine whether some preventive measures need to be taken to prevent future incidents.


Every student is insured under the school’s Student Group Personal Accident Plan.

Emergency and Fire Evacuation

In the event of an emergency that may occur, DIS has a stringent and well-planned evacuation policy and procedure in place. The staff are trained and updated on the best and most efficient methods of evacuating the students to safety. The School performs regular fire, earthquake and evacuation drills.

Survival Kit

The School believes that preparation is the key to ‘surviving’ any event. During such times when weather/earth conditions are so unpredictable, the School would like the children to be ready for any eventuality. Parents are required to prepare the following items as part of the child’s survival kit. This is to be placed in a hard plastic container provided by the school and will be left in school for the whole year.

Things to be placed in the container provided by the school: (supplies sufficient for three days)

Sealed bottled water

Packages of crackers or biscuits (1 year expiration)

Canned food with a flip top (Vienna sausage or tuna, something that will not expire within a year)

Granola bars


Plastic whistle (to call for help)

Small flashlight

Child-sized plastic hard hat/biker’s helmet

Child’s prescription medications and other first aid medicines



Domuschola International School is open from Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Every effort is made by the School to ensure safety and security through the use of a guard, a surveillance camera, and the issuance of ID cards to staff and students. A sign-in system for visitors is also utilized and fetchers’ cards are given to authorized fetchers.

Campus Security

The school has devised an effective system in releasing the students, which provides for a more secure set-up. A fetcher’s ID will be issued to authorized fetchers of the students based on the forms submitted during enrollment. The fetcher is required to present this ID when he/she enters the school premises.

The security guard will strictly implement the NO FETCHER’S ID CARD NO ENTRY POLICY. Fetchers will only be allowed to wait at the waiting area. Students who have fetchers will be brought and released by the head/homeroom teachers at the said area.

Once a fetcher picks up a student, the latter will be his or her responsibility but the school still expects the children to follow the school policies and procedures if they remain in the campus. Students should not enter the school building or be at the campus outdoor areas unaccompanied by an adult after school.

In case of loss of the Fetcher’s ID, the matter should be reported to the school immediately. The school shall collect a replacement fee of Php 100.00. Should there be a change in the authorized fetcher during the school year, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to immediately inform the school and accomplish a new form to effect the change.

Parents will be issued DIS Parent ID to gain automatic entry to the school.

Assigned Places, Off Limits Areas

On school days, the School is responsible for its students’ whereabouts. Therefore, students should be at their assigned places during class hours and within the school compound during free periods. They are not allowed to leave the grounds at any time between arrival and dismissal, without a written permission from the Administration as requested by the teacher.During Physical Education classes, students are required to be with their respective class throughout the entire period. The same rule applies during after school activities or field trips. Students should stay with their teacher/assigned monitor at the designated venue until dismissal. The following places are OFF LIMITS to all students except those with official/legitimate reasons:

The infirmary, except when sick

The Administration’s office except when asked for

Student Identification

The ID is an important document that identifies the student as a registered student of Domuschola International School. This is valid for one school year. This will be used whenever the students go out on field trips and in borrowing books from the library.

Change of Information

To facilitate immediate access to parents in terms of disseminating information, to relay pertinent information about the child and for security purposes, the school should be advised immediately of a change in the student’s information record, i.e. change of address, contact numbers, fetchers, social status, etc.

Health and Safety Protocols Guidelines