Domuschola International School

Core Values

At Domuschola International School, we celebrate individual differences and view each one as a useful and productive member of society. We believe that education is a means to empower each person to work collaboratively with others, to think critically in addressing challenges in creative, insightful ways, and to take purposeful action for the service of others.

Domuschola is a union of two Latin words, Domus which means “Home” and Schola which means “School." Domuschola is meant to emphasize the close connection between home and school, the two worlds of the growing student. It connotes that the school is the student’s extension or second home and teachers are their second parents. The coined word also illustrates the bridging of the student’s home and the school in the continuing development of the student. It also underscores the critical role of the parents as active partners of the school in the continuum of learning. The learning in school is not just “academic” but must have a carry-over application to the student’s natural environments, the home, and the community.

Vision and Mission

Domuschola International School aims to develop students to be passionate, responsible, and caring global citizens who are critical thinkers, collaborative, and curious. Our inspiring educators are committed to provide an internationally competitive education in partnership with students and families.



At Domuschola, we believe:

  • Lux Et Sal Tierra (Light and Salt of the Earth) – The school’s motto signifies the role we desire our graduates to take on as they go out into the real world. Light signifies illumination whereas salt is used to add flavor and to preserve. Learners of Domuschola are being trained to fulfill these roles that of, causing their light to illumine and affect the society in which they live in and to be the very catalyst for positive change and transformation as well as preserve the uniqueness of our culture and the wealth of our heritage.
  • Education should be a partnership between home and school. Further, It is also a collaborative endeavor among families and the community. Education is an internal process and requires the active participation of the educand.
  • Education serves a dual purpose. We strive for the development of the student as a unique individual and as a useful and productive member of society.

Ideal Graduate

Our school leverages on the inquiry-based approach of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme that aims to develop a graduate who is:

  • Balanced
  • Caring
  • Communicator
  • Inquirer
  • Knowledgeable
  • Open-minded
  • Principled
  • Reflective
  • Risk Taker
  • Thinker